How To Start Blogging For Beginners?

How to start blogging
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An Introduction: What is a blog?

First and foremost, before you start to create your own blog, it is important to know what blog really is.

The term BLOG actually derived from the word Weblog or Web Log. During the late 1990`s, these Web Logs were used by users to track updates and references to other resources online. They served as journals which made them useful as a resource tool for the readers. Of course, those readers were also given the chance to comment and share their thoughts about these resources.

Technically, these blogs are also known as CMS or Content Management System. Since it is a system, blog allows the writers to publish to a specific Web site and manage the content without the need of having to deal with the program code. Publishing software also provides users with a GUI or Graphical User Interface for easy pointing and clicking of their articles. Through the use of these easy-to-do procedures, you can perform set up which can ease your job as a blogger since the tool can automatically organize your published articles.

Anyway, with all the most advanced tools nowadays, blogging is something that most affiliate marketers are going into. So,

What is Blogging really all about?

Blogging is actually a very lucrative business and blogs are easy to set up and manage. Do you know that you are getting paid to write about any subjects that interest you, whenever you want, wherever you are!

The flexibility involved allows you to maintain your blog at your own pace. With so many internet cafe`s and WiFi`s practically everywhere, making your blog can be very accessible. Even when you are on holiday, this will not get in the way of your blogging.

So, let me tell you how you can start blogging and set up one of your own.

How to start blogging as a beginner?

First of all, you need to get yourself a blog. Meaning, you will need to have a website. There are many ways and options that you can have your own website. There are paid ones and free ones.

I suggest using a free blog for now ( like Blogger or WordPress). WordPress is a free blog engine that is robust and infinitely expandable.

Do you know that you can have 2 free websites (using wordpress) with domain name and hosting for FREE?

What contains in a blog?

  • Title – This is the name of your post or article.
  • Body – This is the content of your post or article.
  • Trackback – This is when you post about someone else`s blog post elsewhere, your post will show up in their “trackback” section.
  • Permanent link or Permalink – Every article or post that you write in your blog has a unique URL (Uniform Resource Locator).
  • Comments – This is your engagement to your readers. You let them leave a comment to your post.

Basically, all the parts of your blog is important. But what really gives you the most profit is the CONTENT of your blog.

What is the importance of the Content?

Maybe, you are wondering what type of content will be suitable for your blog to make it profitable. Actually, you have to understand that there is no fixed answer to that question. Meaning, you can write about anything that interests you or anything you want to share to your readers. The difference between a profitable blog and a non-profitable blog one is the way you relate your thoughts to writing. It`s just like, what do you prefer? Reading your university professor`s lecture notes or your friends messages to you.

Meaning, contents should be very easy to understand. People who looks for answers on the web are looking for words that they can relate to – laymen`s terms or just like talking to someone that they can easily understand.

If you do this, you will attract more readers or visitors then they will eventually be your regular readers who will keep back coming for more. It is very important to add personal touch to your blog posts. This can be done by simply imagining that you are talking with your personal friend.

Also, an important point is to avoid addressing your reader as a plural unit. Do not write as if you are preparing for a speech. Instead, write as if you are having a conversation with a single person, an equal friend, because this will make your reader relate to you more easily.

When you are being personal to your blog, you are establishing your personality through your words. Your visitors would want to know as much about you as the information you`re offering them.

Now, if you have this distinctive personality which is expressed in your blogs, you will be very much unique from other bloggers and this will be a brand for you. This is where people immediately remember your blog`s name – your very own brand.

In conclusion,

I started blogging when I turned 50 (about 6 years ago).  Almost all my resources on how to do blogging were through google research and some informations on books and articles. There were so many ideas out there on how to start blogging. But I would like to tell you that the best platform that made me confident as a blogger was through the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

I started their program with no experience in blogging and creating websites.

But because it has all the tools I need to create websites, to write good blogs and articles, lots of easy to understand lessons, and most of all how to monetize my blogs, I have created my very own online business through affiliate marketing.

So,I invite you to take a look at their program. Try their FREE MEMBERSHIP with 2 FREE WEBSITES and hosting.

All the best!


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16 Comments on “How To Start Blogging For Beginners?”

  1. Wow, this seems not to difficult to get started. I have tried to create my own blog before, but I got very confused after starting and had so many questions with no one to ask. Thanks for breaking down the process. Especially, for talking about how to write content. I always thought I should try and sound like an authority so people believe me, but I think your way of writing to a friend would work better.

    1. Hi Ryan, thanks for your comment.
      It is true, most of the successful bloggers are those that were writing from their own conversational words.
      The key there is writing all the time. Practice makes perfect!
      All the best!

  2. This is a really good article about blogging. So much more goes on underneath it the blog that you do not really know. I agree that wealthy affiliate is a really good help. It basically shows you step by step what and how. Really good article and I like how you sectioned it.

  3. Hi Hanna

    Thanks for the interesting article. I just started with Wealthy Affiliates about 3 weeks ago, and so far everything that you wrote is 100 percent accurate. I seem to have a natural ability to write blogs and usually follow the method you described, but computer skills need work. The lessons and tutorials are easy to follow and the community support is amazing.


    1. Thanks Steve for sharing your thoughts with regards to this article.

      As i`ve mentioned, Wealthy Affiliate program gave me the confidence to write blogs. The best part is it has a group of people who supports and guides you all the way!

      All the best!

  4. Hi Hanna,

    I love your post and thanks for sharing.

    Anybody who is starting out in Internet Marketing or Blogging will definitely learn a lot from you.

    The way you have set everything out is very simple and easy to follow, I have definitely learned a lot and look forward to trying out Wealthy Affiliate.

    Thanks again for sharing.

    All the best,


  5. Thank you for this great post I find it really interesting and nice .You have really put in a lot of energy in writing this and I really appreciate that. You have really provided great insights into how to start blogging for beginners, am very sure newbies  will find it really helpful. 

    1. Hi Clement, thank you for sharing your thoughts about this article.

      I am glad that this is very helpful especially for beginners for wanting to start blogging.  There are other important points but i believe these are good points to start with.

      All the best!

  6. hi hanna

    Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful post; i have been trying to setup a blog but i do find it difficult but i must tell you this your article is an eye opener for me and i will make sure i implement those ppints you have oitlined for us.

    Thanksfor sharingthis informative post once again

  7. Thank you so much for the informative article about how to start blogging. I learned a lot from your article as I am new to blogging. The most exciting part of your article is “write as if you are having a conversation with a single person”, I should keep that in my mind. I will check the link you have mentioned “Wealthy Affiliate”.  

    1. Thank you Yasodhara for sharing your thoughts about this article.  I am glad you have found it helpful.

      Wealthy Affiliate platform helped me a lot to become a blogger. Not only that, since it has so many lessons and tutorials, it really helped me built my online business. Try it, it has free membership.  If you do, I, for one, will gladly welcome you in our community.

  8. Hi Hanna,

    This a great article and l believe anyone who reads this post will now able to create their own blog. You have laid out everything in a simple to understand and easy to follow way. 

    I am also taught by Wealthy Affiliate and now l have my own making money website, and l believe you can do it too. Just sign up with Wealthy Affiliate and you’re on your way creating your first blog.

    Thank you.

    1. Thanks Shui Hyen for sharing your thoughts about this article.

      I am happy to know that you have chosen Wealthy Affiliate to be your platform for creating income through online.

      All the best!

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